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JCI European Know-How Transfer

0+02:00 29 septembre 2019 - 0+02:00 3 octobre 2019

JCI Euro KHT members

JCI Euro KHT membersAt the JCI European Know-How Transfer in Brussels, Belgium, JCI members have the opportunity to communicate directly with European Commission officials and Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), thus strengthening personal contacts and increase mutual understanding between politicians and the business community as well as the civil society.

Each year, keynote speakers from the European Commission (EC) as well as high ranking politicians from the European Parliament (EP), explain their views on pressing European issues such as the European Economic Crisis, Youth Unemployment and the agenda of the Commission for this legislature.

Theme of 2019 JCI European Know-How Transfer:

Taking Action for the Global Goals

The goals of the JCI European Know-How Transfer

The JCI European Know-How Transfer aims at building and strengthening the relationship between JCI and decision-makers in the European Commission (EC) and the European Parliament (EP). Through these connections, we can achieve better mutual understanding and form the basis for future partnerships for positive change. Learning more about mutual challenges and sharing ideas leads to cooperation and mutual understanding.

Main goals of the program include:

• Exchange of experiences, common challenges, positions and requests
• Create mutual understanding
• Promote the European idea
• Reduce prejudices and misunderstandings
• Tighten the network between Members of the European Parliament and JCI members
• Work together on a political theme

The direct dialogue and exchange of experiences during this project can lead to a better network and reduction of mutual prejudices, as well as better understanding of the mutual challenges and experiencing political lobbying “first hand”. Working on a theme that relates to all citizens in Europe, creates a shared goal and vision for the future, which will be debated to create learnings and insights, before resulting in actual solutions.

General Information

The JCI European Know-How Transfer is an exchange program between young active citizens – JCI members – and members of the European Parliament (MEP) and the European Commission. The project allows JCI members to participate in the European decision-making process and facilitates connections between politics and civil society. It gives members of European Parliament the possibility to get in contact with young active citizens and entrepreneurs from their constituency. All participants share their thoughts about local, national and international challenges and possible solutions. JCI members present their local and national initiatives to improve society as socially responsible young leaders.


After a day of workshops and internal networking, the JCI members spend one day in the European Commission where they meet with representatives and keynote speakers to discuss relevant issues that their countries face and explore ideas for cooperation.

During day 3 to 5, each JCI member meets “his/her“ Member of the European Parliament (MEP) and shadows his/her MEP during their the working day.

The program is open to all members of JCI in the Area Europe and all members of the European Parliament (EP).

JCI Europe consists of 36 National Organizations:

Albania – Austria – Belgium – Bulgaria – Catalonia – Croatia – Cyprus – Czech Republic – Denmark – Estonia – Finland – France – Germany – Iceland – Ireland – Italy – Kosovo –Latvia – Lithuania – Luxembourg – Malta – Moldova – Monaco – Netherlands – Norway – Poland – Romania – Russia – Scotland – Serbia – Slovakia – Sweden – Switzerland – Turkey – Ukraine – United Kingdom

Please take a look at and check out MEPs you would like to follow in the three days at the EP. Have a look at the agenda of the different committees to find out which topics interest you and which committees you would like to join during your days at the Parliament.

If you have any questions concerning your participation do not hesitate to contact Advocacy and PR Manager Magdalena Riedel at or +49 (0)30 20108 1527.


Début :
0+02:00 29 septembre 2019
Fin :
0+02:00 3 octobre 2019
Prix :
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JCI Europe
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